Dr. Kishore Gnana Sam
Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacy Practice & Assessment CommitteeBiography
Dr. Kishore Gnana Sam is currently serving as Professor, Head-Department of Pharmacy Practice and Chair-Assessment Committee. He has more than 20 years of experience in teaching and guiding students in the Department of Pharmacy Practice. He received the FIP-Pharma Bridge sponsored hands-on training in Drug Policy at the Wisconsin Hospital, Madison, USA. His contributions have helped improve the quality and consistency of the pharmacy education, ensuring graduates are well-prepared for the current and future demands of the pharmacy profession.
- PhD. (Clinical Pharmacy) Manipal University, Manipal, India 2009.
- MBA (Healthcare Services) Sikkim Manipal University, Manipal India 2008.
- M.Pharm, Rajiv Gandhi University, India 1999.
- B.Pharm, Tamilnadu MGR University, India 1996
Research Interests
- Pharmacotherapeutic Clinical Outcome Assessment
- Pharmacoeconomic and Humanistic Outcomes of Health Care Delivery
- Pharmaceutical Care services
- Drug utilization Evaluation
- Drug Safety monitoring
- Systematic Reviews
Research Publications
- Abeer Al Hatab, Kishore Ganana Sam, Beshir SA, Elnour AA, Mazrouei NA, Al-Kubaisi KA, Alkaabi M, Amoodi AA, Menon V, Mohammed A, Abdalla SF. Association of level of adherence to Mediterranean diet with cognitive and dementia status in subjects with chronic diseases: a cross-sectional study, Nutritional Neuroscience. 2024;14:1-8.
- Elnour AA, Nasur ZE, Zaki HY, Salih KEA, Alsulami FT, Alqarni YS, Mazrouei NA, AlAmoodi A, Alkaabi M, Al-Kubaisi KA; Beshir SA; Menon V; Kishore Gnana Sam, Khidir IYE. Haptoglobin Phenotypes in School-age Children Infected with Schistosoma haematobium: A case-control study. Pharmacy Practice (Granada). 2024;22(1):1-8,.
- Nagwa Ibrahim, Dina HA Mohamed, Kishore Gnana Sam. A systematic review to compare costs and outcomes of pharmacoeconomic evaluations of conventional biosimilars G-CSFs. Global Journal of Medical Therapeutics. www. gjmt. net October-December, 2023;5(4):1-11.
- Ramadan A, Mohammed A, Elnour AA, Sadeq A, Mazrouei NA, Alkaabi M, Al-Kubaisi KA, Beshir SA, Menon V, AlAmoodi A, Kishore Gnana Sam, Saeed AAAM, Abdalla SF, Hussein SM. The flavonoid luteolin reduces mutant huntingtin aggregation and cytotoxicity in huntingtin-mutated neuroblastoma cells. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal.2023;31(12):101871.
- Abuhamda GA, Beshir SA, Kishore Gnana Sam, Gillani SW. Antibiotic prescribing and dispensing behavior among doctors and pharmacists working in UAE. Pharmacy Practice. 2023;21(2):2802.
- Sadeq A, Farah FH, Ramadan A, Baraka MA, Don J, Amoodi AA, Kishore Gnana Sam, Mazrouei NA, Alkaabi M, A systematic review of randomized clinical trials on the efficacy and safety of pitavastatin.Current Reviews in Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology. 2023; 17(13):120-147.
- Al-Tamimi MA, Gillani SW, Elhassan AAM, Kishore G. Sam. Factors associated with hospital readmission of heart failure patients. Frontiers in Pharmacology.2021;12: 732760.
- Houjazi M, El-Dahiyat F, Kishore Gnana Sam. The impact of clinical pharmacy services on Patients with Hypertension. International Journal of Clinical Practice. 2021;75(9):e14433.
- Assadi RA, Kotait K, Kishore Gnana Sam. Consult these guidelines to help patients with diabetes fast safely. Fam Pract Manag.2021;28(2):38.
- Hamad F, Elamin A, Mohamed S, Yousif I, Don J, Abdi S, Amoodi AA, Fathelrahman AI, Kishore Gnana, Alanzi F, Abubakar AB, Magboul SM, Ahmed SA, Sadeq A. Systematic review of Glucagon-like peptide one receptor agonist liraglutide of subjects with heart failure with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction. Curr Diabetes Rev 2021;17(3):280-292.
- Elnour A, Sadeq A, Don J, Farah FH, El-Khidir IY, Abubakar AB, Elamin A, Al-Amoodi A, Beshir SA, Kishore Gnana Sam, Suliman SME, Alhajri N, Fathelrahman AI, SAA. Scoping review of six retrospective studies: risk factors associated with the case fatality rate of people infected with Coronavirus (COVID-19). Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 2021;12(1):1526-1539
- Elnour A, Komócsi A, Kupó P, El Khidir IY, Zachariah S, Kishore Sam, Asim S, Sadik A. The role of direct oral anticoagulant in patients with acute coronary syndrome on single or dual antiplatelet regime: Review of opportunities and challenges. Current Clinical Pharmacology, 2020:https://europepmc.org/article/med/32418529
- Mathew VK, Kishore Gnana Sam, Samuel B, Das AK. Epidemiology of schizophrenia in an Indian hospital. Research J. Pharm. and Tech, 2020; 13(1):1.
External Profiles
Science Direct: researchgate.net/profile/Kishore-Sam
Google Scholar: scholar.google.com/citations?user=uW9V9RwAAAAJ&hl=en
Scopus Author ID: scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=23969212900