MPharm (Clinical Pharmacy) Program Aims & Outcomes


To reform clinical pharmacy services in this region by enhancing drug therapy outcome to the individual and the society, through extraordinary graduates of our program.


The mission of M. Pharm-Clinical Pharmacy Program is to develop and qualify efficient clinical pharmacist who can compete in UAE and abroad by providing enhanced pharmaceutical care benefits by working in a healthcare team with their exemplary Professional and innovative services.

Program Objectives

Program aims:

  • Produce clinical pharmacists capable of providing specialized pharmaceutical services in hospital and other clinical environments.
  • Choose various specialized areas by the graduates to become a Pharmacotherapy specialist, based upon their area of interest during their clerkships in hospital.
  • Produce confident and knowledgeable pharmacists to work with other health care professionals.
  • To enhance the pharmacists’ role as a member of the healthcare team by improving their communication, managerial, clinical and research skills.
  • To provide a pathway towards academia as a career.
  • To provide learning opportunities to enable to think critically and to further develop as an autonomous and lifelong learner.

Program Outcomes

Master of Pharmacy is a postgraduate program, designed to prepare pharmacists for the provision of high-level clinical pharmacy services to develop and demonstrate:

  • A. Knowledge
  • B. Skills
  • C. Competencies-autonomy and responsibility, self-development, role in context
Program Outcomes Learning/Teaching Methods Methods of Assessment
A. Knowledge: On completion of the M. Pharm. program, the graduates will be able to:
A1. Demonstrate specialist and comprehensive knowledge required in providing specialized Clinical services required in hospitals and other clinical environments.
A2. Comprehend the ethical, legal and quality principles of professional practice in clinical pharmacy practice.
Lectures, tutorials, office hours, seminars Written & Oral exams. OSCE Case Presentations
B. Skills: On completion of the M. Pharm. program, the graduates will be able to:
B1. Identify, analyze, deploy and utilize appropriate information in clinical case discussion and evaluate the pharmaceutical care required for the case.
B2. Critically evaluate the available literature in the field of clinical pharmacy for evidence-based medicine.
B3. Demonstrate effective project management skills.
B4. Communicate effectively orally and in writing and deploy a range of presentation techniques and strategies to present, explain and critique information within workplace settings.
PBL, Clerkships Research project, Assignments, Case studies, seminars, Demonstrations OSCE, Assignments, Case presentations, Problem based learning, Presentations, Dissertation evaluation & defense
C. Competences: On completion of the M. Pharm. program, the graduates will be able to:
Autonomy and responsibility
C1. Demonstrate self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems, and act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a professional or equivalent level through clerkship and research project.
C2. Demonstrate ability to use skills to make decisions in complex situations where there are several factors that require analysis, interpretation, and comparison.
C3. Practice self and continuing professional learning through reference books, published data, scientific publications and websites and attendance of seminars, workshop and conferences.
C4. Utilize and contribute to the available scientific literature in the field of clinical pharmacy and pharmacy practice.
Role in context
C5. Deal with complex issues both systematically and creatively, make sound judgments in the absence of complete data, and communicate their conclusions clearly to specialist and non-specialist audiences
C6. Interact with professional colleagues and demonstrate team-working and leadership abilities in various professional contexts.
PBL, Clerkships, Research project Assignments, Case studies, online software, seminars, Demonstrations OSCE Assignments Case presentations Problem based learning, Computer Based Test, Presentations Dissertation evaluation & defense.